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The Art of Death Avoidance

I hadn't even had to leave my hospital bed to kill someone. But even in this body I felt like I had just gotten my fix. This body had never murdered anyone, so I had a super amazing rush going on right now. Adrenaline had never coursed through these veins from the excitement of killing someone. This was literally the first time it had ever happened, I couldn’t imagine a better satisfaction as a new body feeling something amazing for the first time. I almost felt like I could fly I was so elated.

My old body was so used to the coursing of adrenaline that it didn't react anything like this anymore. I had almost forgotten how gripping the initial adrenaline rush was, it was almost too much to deal with. I was feeling a little bit sick even in this body, though I had done this a hundred times. I had to relax and just breathe and try to enjoy this. I laid back and closed my eyes. Took a couple of deep breaths and realized I was holding the nurse’s body in my hands still, my hands around her neck. I looked down and I could see a sight for sore eyes. She had a joint she must have just rolled and a lighter in her front pocket.

I pulled them out with my free hand while holding her up with the other by her neck. I had the joint and lighter in my hand, it was hard to grab since my hands were newly healed up, they were still quite weak and not very dexterous just yet. I lit the joint up and took a long slow drag on it. It was some pretty tasty stuff actually. I took another drag and put the lighter back in her pocket before dropping her body to slump back onto the floor. I lay there and smoked that entire joint. I could still feel the adrenaline pumping through my body but the pot was helping to slow my heartbeat a little, I was finally starting to feel less sick than I had just moments ago. I really wanted to go back to the afterlife but I also really wanted to feel that insane rush this body went through as its excitement level reached new peaks.

This whole fiasco would be much more fun to watch unfold than it would be to personally deal with. I knew if I just rolled out of this body that she would be fine. She would just go back to her coma and they would see a dead nurse with a comatose patient having been the culprit. She had scratched at my arms but mostly because she was trying so hard to pull them away from her neck. She hadn't even tried hitting me in the face or anything else which kind of disappointed me in a way; it almost seemed a little too easy. Maybe I would go try and study a little more because this wouldn't always be so easy I'm sure. There was going to be a time I would really have to deal with pain like that again while trying to heal myself and it would be nice to know how not to have it be quite so unbearable in the future.

It felt worth it now but at the time it didn't feel good at all, it was more like torture. I decided that I was going home this time. I started to relax my body the best I could, concentrating on the feeling of having, no feeling. I finally accomplished that, which felt like it took an hour because of this rush and my mind wandering back to all that had just happened. Nobody would be in for a couple more hours yet so I had some time.

As I lay there I concentrated on my body becoming dead. I wanted to feel nothing. Almost as if there was no body and I could just step right out again. It only took a bit more effort once I finally calmed my mind down. I would have plenty of time to think about this feeling and enjoy it later. For now I wanted to go back to the super computers and study.

It was almost eerie coming back to the tunnel. In a weird way I felt like I was doing something wrong. Though nothing like this has ever happened to someone else before here so there's no telling what that means. I wanted to talk to somebody about it but without there being anyone who loved to murder like I did around here I wasn't sure where to even start.

Life was more about growth in this place than anything else; you're supposed to learn lessons through many lifetimes in order to perfect your soul. Once your soul is basically perfected and you yearn for no more knowledge or experience, you can finally just rejoin that massive energy that everything is a part of finally becoming one with everything again.

When I got back to the place of exit, I started to float towards the computers and I saw some people that gave me the distinct feeling they were trying to avoid me. That was very weird because since I have been here it was more like people didn't care that you were there more or less but there was never this feeling that they didn't want anything to do with you. This time was more like, you do you, I'll do me and things had definitely changed.

Or maybe it was just in my head, I could definitely be feeling paranoid about it just like I had earlier before I’d come back when I felt like I was doing something wrong. I knew that I could still talk to people if I wanted to I just had the distinct feeling they would rather not. People could be more than happy to converse for a minute here, though a minute in the afterlife can last as long as the two of you really want it to because time means nothing here.

I didn’t really want to talk to anyone though it was like they were literally crossing the street to avoid me now. I figured it had to be something to do with what I had just done but I wasn't sure how everyone around here would already know that?

Suddenly I got a thought in my head that said, “That's because people can hear you.”

I knew that wasn't me thinking that thought it was literally like I picked it out of someone's head somewhere around me. They had been eavesdropping on me, or maybe they had just heard my thoughts. I looked around and saw one of these souls eyes dart down and forward as he started floating forwards at a much faster pace than he just was going. I knew that I had just heard what he was thinking somehow and vice versa. That was definitely something I was going to study up on next was being able to hear thoughts. Up until this point, I didn't even know that was possible yet. I guess anything the mind can think of is possible in this place.

When I got to a computer I decided instead of looking up the pain dispersion of healing a body, I would first learn about this mind and thought hearing thing I had just experienced. I wanted to know everything about it so that I could hear when people were thinking things about me. That was very interesting. It was like it was my thought but I also knew it wasn't my thought but it was so fast that it felt like I had just had it myself. It was I guess, like it was in a different voice.

I first picked, Explorer in the computers options. Then I just thought about my question, which was, “How can I hear other beings thoughts?”

It was pretty nice using these computers. Since you were thinking about what you wanted instead of typing it into a search engine. The computers already knew what you meant without having to give you a ton of options. There were no wrong answers here as long as you knew what you were asking about. There was a brief pause as the computer searched for the best answer to my question. Within a few moments there came back a list of instructions telling me step by step how to hear people's thoughts, consciously.

The first step in hearing people's thoughts was to clear your mind of your own, even if for just a moment. You couldn't have your own thoughts interrupting what you were trying to listen to so it was more in observance rather than anything else. You merely had to observe and quietly listen without judgment.

It was very much like the process to meditation. In fact meditation and devout belief could lead any human to being able to read or hear thoughts of others. Of course it was one of the higher focus abilities so it wasn't exactly easy to attain. There were very few people who would ever be able to actually read minds at will. None of them would ever tell the secrets because they would understand that human thoughts are not meant to be discovered by other humans. They wouldn't understand that most of them are fleeting and don't really mean anything other than a racing mind thinking random thoughts. There is a lot to the whole mind-reading thing but here in the afterlife it's much easier to attain the abilities because you don't have the gray matter of the brain affecting and filtering out knowledge and ability.

That's why it takes so much work as a human to attain any sort of ability such as the people who have learned to levitate themselves. They can't do a whole lot more than levitate themselves because it takes so much focus to concentrate on the actual levitating as well as trying to do anything else using the ability. I was able to make my body stronger using telekinesis but had you asked me to try and lift a ball or soda can that was inches away from my hand but not actually touching me that would have been something I would not have been able to do at that moment. There's definitely a lot more to learn and I'm nowhere near done but that's the reason I wanted to come back as well to finesse my abilities and be able to actually use them however I wanted to whether in physical form or out of it.

I could also use these computers to teleport myself wherever I would like to be in the afterlife. I could teleport anyways but I wanted to kind of stay connected to this computer so I used it to go into a little room and practice my mind reading abilities that I was learning. Slowly but surely I started to hear thoughts of random people. Then I wanted to really try it and I went to Earth in the illusion. It was like virtual reality but in real time and actually happening. I just stood there on the virtual sidewalk kind of scanning people's minds.

At first it was like static but then slowly I started hearing whispers and realized that they were actually these people's thoughts. Then those whispers started turning into soft spoken words and eventually as I could feel my self becoming stronger and more proficient at this, it became more like somebody was actually talking to you and after a few times of practicing this I was able to stand back or even on top of a building and literally hear thoughts of people I concentrated on as if I had a megaphone attached to their minds. It was overwhelming the sense of power I felt the more I learned in this place. I think I needed to celebrate, it was time to kill again.

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