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The Art of Death Baby Killer

Over the next couple of days, little things that needed attention in order to take care of me such as her having to cook things and change me and pay actual attention to me had begun stressing her out to a severe degree. I wanted her to take me for walks and such so I could start watching people and try and come up with a plan for who would be the victim. The problem was that this kid’s mother had started looking at me like I was less than garbage before long.

She began making comments like, “Why are you awake if everything is just so miserable.” It was beginning to piss me off in all honesty. I definitely had the vocabulary to say something about it but I hadn't been saying much in order not to give too much away. I was trying to take things in, more than show myself through the kid but she was saying ridiculous things no mother should ever say to their child.

She said, “I'm not even sure why you woke up… things were so much easier before while you were gone.”

I couldn't hold back anymore, I said, “Why, cause you were free to be a junkie?”

The look on her face said plain as day she NEVER expected to hear something like that from me. She reached out and slapped me really hard on the side of the face.

I didn't cry, I just glared at her. My natural gaze must have shown through my eyes in this little body because she looked at me then like I was the devil himself and found herself backing away from me without even meaning to. I could tell the look I had just given her had scared her. I felt a sudden surge of joy and it was at that moment that I decided she was going to be the one who I killed.

She had really pissed me off and I think she could feel that. I didn’t really like kids per se but I definitely didn’t agree with talking to them the way she had just talked to me. When she slapped my face, I didn’t even feel it, I was still aghast at what she had just said. When I realized that she had just done that because I called her out on her bullshit, it was clear why I was here. Maybe this all happened for a reason, call me Karma, cause I was about to deal some fate.

I decided to go exploring around the house when she was in the middle of one of her latest drug binges. She was doing more than crack because now that I had clarity of what she was about I noticed that she had track marks on her arms the entire way up them both. I also noticed the vast amounts of pill bottles that were all around this house. She must have taken some pills this time because she was just lying there half-drunk but had drank nothing alcohol related.

I walked around looking for what kind of options there were as far as weapons that I could get to and things like that. I kind of wanted to take a mental inventory while she was preoccupied. I wanted to end her but I also didn’t want to just make this one simple. The last one was nice because I just needed my own fix as a junkie for murder. This one I was personally invested now and wanted to make her suffering last a bit longer. I wanted her to feel every bit of terror I could make her feel in exchange for the abuse she had tried to inflict in the form of disgust for me.

One room that I came across on the opposite end of the house had a little space off to the right where she had a dresser sitting in it. There was no reason to have a dresser inside of it since it wasn’t quite a full bedroom; it was more of a small half room, like a storage room or something without other furniture. I opened the creaky bottom drawer of that dresser and there were all kinds of tools in it. Included amongst them was a carpet knife with a big hooked blade, the kind that roofers use to cut shingles. I grabbed it and put it into the pocket of my little pants.

I walked back out to where she was and I could feel my heart beating so fast it felt like hummingbird wings flapping. I was so excited for what was about to happen. She was standing on the landing between the kitchen and the living room. It kind of stepped down about a foot and was on a little bit lower of a level than where she was standing. It lowered into the area where the living room was set up. It had the couch and a television and things in it. I think she wanted to go sit down in the living room but in the middle of her high she had stopped and was standing still with her eyes closed kind of swaying back and forth like she were a blade of grass in the wind.

I crept up behind her as quiet as a mouse and waited for her to open her eyes and start moving; I knew it would be any moment. As soon as she did, I saw her jolt like she just realized she was just standing there and she was suddenly waking up from a dream as she stood there. She went to move her foot forward to step down into the living room area and that was when I struck. I slashed forward and split open her Achilles tendon so she couldn't run away from me. As soon as I sliced her tendon open, it didn't take any more time for her to feel the loss of strength the tendon provided and she instantly fell to the ground, blood pouring from the back of her foot.

The funny thing was she still had one good Achilles tendon. She could have hopped on one foot and at the very least attempted to get away from me but in her panic she decided to go full victim with it and fall to the ground. Her arms flailed wildly in front of her like she were an actress in an old black and white horror movie.

She was lying on her stomach trying to crawl away. She was steadily moving forward while at the same time looking back towards me, trying to reach back and grab her leg as she crawled.

She saw me slowly walking towards her with knife in my little hand, smiling at her. You must keep in mind that I was now in a tiny body that barely even knew what adrenaline was. A little bit to this kid was like a mega dose compared to the last girl. I was shivering so bad I felt like I had buck fever. I couldn’t stop but I was feeling so intense it felt like this was my first actual murder all over again.

I could feel myself waddling as I walked a little bit, reminding me of how young this body actually was. It felt incredible being this young. It had no clue what long term pain was yet. I almost felt numb as far as aches and pains the body gets when it ages. I hadn’t even gotten to walk around in the last body. I just killed and left. This time I was having much more fun and being freer with myself than I wanted to last time. I would have chuckled about it at the time but I was very focused on making sure I didn’t slip up. As strong as I could be, if she decided to inflict some kind of pain on me and I wasn’t ready for it or I was caught unaware, she could inflict some serious damage.

Who knew what kind of drugs she may be on today as well, if I hadn’t cut her tendon she would probably be a hard one to take down if she got desperate. She started crying and screaming at the top of her lungs for help as she crawled away from me but I was still gaining on her no matter how fast she tried to crawl with that cut tendon. Before she could get much further I decided to make my move.

I waited until she brought her knee forward that I had already cut the tendon of, her other leg was back closest to me so I lunged forward and hooked it with the knife. In what I felt was a smooth moment for such an inexperienced body, the knife sliced her other tendon apart resembling the rings of Saturn for a moment, before the blood filled her wound and brought her to the floor screaming in pain. Now, she had no choice but to crawl.

I said, “You've been a bad mommy. Don't you know being selfish gets you no further than you can crawl?” I laughed and was pleasantly surprised at how evil it sounded with my little kids’ voice box. This was actually more fun than I could recall murdering as a child myself had ever been for me. I felt like I knew what Chucky that killer doll may have felt like. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my throat. All I could smell was her blood as it left a trail smeared behind her.

My whole body was hot, not like it was overheating, more like I was generating some kind of super powered energy that was heating me up. More likely adrenaline was making my skin so hot I felt like I would literally see steam coming off of my shoulders if I were to pull my shirt away from my skin. I was absolutely feeling incredible at the moment. By this time, she was in too much pain to try and even move her legs because all it did was move the tendons in her feet. So instead of kicking at me she only laid there, pathetically flailing her arms trying to push me away, hitting my little body pushing me side to side enough to make it uncomfortable.

That really shouldn't have been too hard for her considering her size versus mine, but I was also filled with adrenaline and trying to maintain a decent balance of excess energy adding to the powerful measure of this tiny body. The last thing I wanted was to stay fragile. Taking that chance would be very amateur of me and I was definitely no amateur.

Her high was wearing off extremely fast now and she was starting to look woozy from the loss of blood. The shock of the situation unfolding before her was a lot for anyone to handle and I could see that it had brought her to the limits of her sanity. She looked like she was mentally about to go somewhere else. She probably thought she was in a nightmare and wished she would just wake up at any moment. Who wants reality to be that their child who just came out of a coma was attacking and permanently disfiguring them? She had to have known that this was real though and not just a bad trip. She had lost a lot of blood and had unknown quantities of random drugs running through her system so who could really say?

“Stop trying to hit me or I'm going to do the same thing to your shoulders so you can't move your arms either.” I glared at her sternly. She stopped flailing her arms, listening to me still confused by the look on her face.

She had to be wondering where this new personality was coming from and I didn't want to spoil it for her. I said nothing I just calmly looked at her and moved my face closer to hers.

“Didn't you miss me Mommy? I squatted down to be closer to her head and tilted my head to the side, staring directly into her widening eyes. Her eyes filled with tears as she started sobbing until she couldn't even see me anymore. I’d had enough fun now, the itch was playing the role of the attention whore now, I was ready to end her life.

While she was in the middle of her deep cry, I grabbed her by the hair on the back of her head, tilted it back and brought forward the hooked blade, slitting her neck from ear-to-ear. She looked like she had an extra sadistic bloody smile now. Her eyes opened wide with panic as she gurgled trying to say anything but thinking of nothing in her last moments. Whatever her last words were came out as a gurgling bunch of nonsensical noises as she tried to breathe. The noises she was making resembled the wet bubbly hissing of the last of a pot of coffee brewing.

There was no saving her she was dead within a minute. I looked down and realized there was blood all over my hands. I looked down at my tiny hands with this knife inside of them and then dropped the knife on her back as she lay there barely leaking blood anymore.

As fun as it was being small like this and being able to murder and possibly get away with it, I wasn’t sure I was ready to deal with all of that. I had gotten lost in the moment and unless they were complete idiots, they wouldn’t overlook the bloody handprints and small shoeprints trailing behind the bloody mother. I mean, who would question that a two-year-old was the one who had done all of this? Everyone, but the evidence was quite overwhelming in this circumstance.

There was the chance they would merely think I was trying to console my dead mother and would never know what I had seen and gone through. But I didn't want to deal with that. I knew at the least it would involve years of possible therapy and going to group homes and places like that. Plus I liked learning but didn't really feel like being forced through another lifetime of school.

I hadn’t planned on killing this kids mother, I was planning killing people around and having my fun for a while in this body but when she had set off this chain of events thinking a bit too highly of herself it seemed plans had to change. It was too bad, this life had a lot of potential. I think next time I would have to do a little more research about the home life I would be walking into. Unexpected circumstances obviously make for sloppy plans, I needed to do a bit more due diligence before rushing into this kind of thing again.

I opted for the quick exit. With a little bit of focused concentration, it was nothing more than a matter of slipping out of this body and letting it fall into the pool of blood below.

I looked down at the boy before I left, he looked so innocent, it looked like someone had come in and killed the mother and her son. If I didn’t know any better that’s what first glance appeared to be now that he was all soaked in blood and back in a coma. Without a soul to run the body though, it would be dead soon. There was no telling if they would try putting him back on life support or not. If so, I would definitely be back.

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